Hi. I'm Yi Jianlian.
Things I like: the color blue, subtle humor, taquitos, unscented lotion, books on tape, Alfred Hitchcock films, barbecued dog, Timex, Capitalism, loose-fitting jeans, big media markets, Aspirin, ESPN Classic, non-fiction.
Things I don't like: sand, aggressiveness, off-white, vampires, curry, too much makeup, Milwaukee, Tylenol, Imperialism, CNN, Care Bears, kids, loose-fitting women, Tom Clancy novels, novels, nose rings, satire.
Now that we're friends, let's talk about another thing I like: basketball.
You'd never know I'm a basketballer by looking at that photo of me. I'm wearing enough blue to be mistaken for a fucking Smurf. But I'm really tall. And I have gigantic feet. You know what they say about guys with big feet, right? Yeah. Elephant cock.
I probably should've included this in my, "Things I don't like:" Bucks GM Larry Harris. He's mean and I hate him. He said that
Milwaukee isn't going to trade me. But I told him that I wanted to be traded. And I hate him.
I don't know what I'll do if I remain a Buck. Maybe I'll commit
Seppuku with an ironing board. Oh, Seppuku's Japanese, you say? Well 我不喜欢你. You don't know what the means? Good. You don't want to. My words are filled with hate. Especially towards Milwaukee. I fucking hate Miller. It's piss beer. I'd love to drink some and then piss on Larry Harris.
I also like jigsaw puzzles. And nutmeg.