It's just what it sounds like: what's the best ______? "Best" is such a subjective word and that's really the point -- let's get you guys talking! If this works, there will be intelligent, thoughtful debate on the day's topic. And if it doesn't work, well, back to the drawing board.
The MLB trade deadline is today (woohoo!) which is the unofficial day that teams separate themselves as contenders, pretenders or neither (like we're so freakin' awful this day has little significance. See: Nationals or Giants).
As a result of a team's moves, its home attendance usually spikes or dramatically drops making it pretty obvious who and where fair-weather fans exist. Like if Pittsburgh trades Jason Bay, we might see an attendance drop at PNC Park during the last two months of the season. If Seattle trades Arthur Rhodes, someone will undoubtedly ask, "The Mariners had Arthur Rhodes? Huh. I did not know that."
So that gets us to this: Which city has the best fans?
Attendance, of course, is not the only factor. The Dodgers are among the best-attended organizations and they toss around colorful balls and may or may not know that they're at a baseball game, not a beach.
We'll also take into account the way those in attendance root. Are they appropriately dressed? Are they knowledgeable fans, do they know the game? Are they passionate or obnoxious? There is a difference.
We don't know about you, but we get wood when we see an older dude sitting in the upper deck by himself wearing a pin-clad hat with a radio in hand and a score book on the lap. Big-time wood.
Also: What do a team's fan do outside of their home yard? Do they travel to road games? Put up flags in front of their homes? How does the city as a whole rally around the team?
So many things to consider. Here's our list:
5. Cleveland
4. Boston
3. New York Yankees
2. Chicago Cubs
1. St. Louis
Now you play. But don't even think about saying L.A. or Atlanta. That city can't even sell out a playoff game.