Saturday, March 25, 2006

Washington vs. Connecticut

Yeah, it feels something like that.

In other news: The Atlanta Falcons gave coach Jim Mora Jr. a three-year contract extension after Mora bet the Falcons' GM that LSU would beat Duke.


insomniac said...

I'm honestly not trying to rub anything in, but I have to ask- how is it that nothing is being written about Mike Jensen? Sorry to make you relive it, but if he doesn't make that terrible foul, the Pac-10 is representing half of the Final Four. I'm just shocked that he's getting a pass, and everyone is focusing on the officiating instead.

The Big Picture said...

nice point about jensen, insomniac. at the time i was screaming at him for being within 10 fucking feet of him, but i didn't comment on it for 2 reasons:

1. i've been traveling and spitting game at this girl...that takes time.

2. i don't really want to blame any Dawg for the loss. it was one of the best games i've ever seen UW play and i just want to credit anderson for a great shot and leave it at that. it's a tough way to lose, but UW went out like champs...just 3 rounds too early.

and insomniac, congrats on LA. final four is exciting as shit. enjoy it!

twins15 said...

Tough loss... that shot by Anderson really had no business going in from that deep with a man in his face, but sometimes you just have to tip your cap to a guy.