Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A-Rod talked to the media...


So, instead, here's a picture of a hot chick.


rstiles said...

I could give her an energy booster!!!!

Bokolis said...

Thanks for having your finger on the pulse of what really matters...and knowing your target audience. The moral of the story, kids: steroids, when combined with the ability to hit a baseball, can get you what's in that picture, on the regular and without much effort.

HM said...

Her cousin came up to her with two big bags filled with silicone -- which the cousin was able to get over the counter in the Dominican Republic -- and they worked together for three years to implant the bags into this woman's chest.

It was strictly amatuer hour. And despite the fact that she has always worked around strippers and models, she never saw anyone else with implants either.

GMoney said...

The moral of the story, kids, is don't get caught.

Anonymous said...

who is that?

Anonymous said...
