Monday, September 25, 2006

Talk about a bittersweet win

So apparently there's this college called North Carolina Central, which, we're guessing, is located in central North Carolina. We hadn't heard about it until yesterday and we're guessing you're hearing about it for the first time now.

The school itself we could give half a shit about. Like we already said, it's probably in the center of North Carolina. But this little school played a little football game Saturday against Southern University (who you better have heard of because of its annual meeting with Grambling which airs on NBC for some odd reason) and they beat 'em 27-20.

But some clever scoundrels from Baton Rouge (where the game was played) robbed the visiting locker room during the game. Yeah, bandits!

Picture this: You're a N.C. Central player, you just beat a pretty solid squad, you're slapping teammates' asses and giving reach-arounds walking back to the locker room, and then, shit, you're stuff isn't there. Just vanished. You figure a janitor has moved your shoes, DVD player, jewelry and double-headed dildoes to the side or something.

But then you don't find it anywhere. Then you discover that someone was murdered outside this same stadium at Southern's last game. Then you hear that fans at the game all had to pass through a metal-detector just to get in. Then you realize some Louisiana bandits probably ripped you off.

At least N.C. Central won the game.


Anonymous said...

Your Blog is the best blog I have seen.

Anonymous said...

i agree. ive been reading for a month or so. absolutely hysterical.

i posted because in case you weren't aware, the girl who claimed the duke lacrosse players raped her is actually a part time student and NC Central.

Adam Landres-Schnur said...

Wow, that's hilarious! Thanks for pointing that out, anonymous!