Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What to read while the SI Swimsuit Issue is making your penis disappear

There are many, many blogs out there. Sometimes it's overwhelming to sort through them all and find the real good stuff, but we've compiled quite a nice list of sites for you to check out (after you first read the latest work of genius here, of course). So while you're biding your time before the next meeting (or hey, during the meeting) check out these fun reads...

*The Hater Nation - NFL Adam and the Hater Gang aren't really into the NHL, but dammit, they're sure trying.

*The Sports Pulse - Your #1 source for coverage of the Winter Games. Not really, but it's more entertaining than all that other shit.

*Deadspin - Will and the crew over in NYC were really into penises yesterday. We're not sure why.

*Sports Blah - They think the Olympics are boring. So do we.

*The Mighty MJD - He's strong, he's powerful, he's mighty...he's soft for Peter King?

*Insomniac's Lounge - More solid Olympics' coverage here, but with pretty pictures.


THN said...

You are a machine today. Thanks for the love. And every NHL game we have seen this week has been asstastic!

insomniac said...

Thanks for the shout out. Although I think I shot my wad w/ too much olympic coverage too fast.

Gotta pace myself.