Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Big Picture Categories: Sports Blogs

King's Cup might be the best drinking game out there. Everyone has their own version, there's ample drinking and sometimes -- on a few lucky occasions -- hot chicks end up naked. One of the best "games" in King's Cup is Categories, which often is represented by the Jack card. In Categories, the person who draws the card says a category (fast food joints, baseball stadiums, etc.) and everyone must go around the circle naming one until somebody stumbles. When that person fucks up, they drink. Make sense? Good.

We are in, what seems like anyway, the prime of sports blogging. In about five minutes, you can sign up for a Blogger account and be a published author. No experience needed. It's kinda like crack in the 90s: sports blogging is the new cool thing.

With the ease (and fun, we might add) of sports blogging, there has gotta be somewhere near 300,000 sports blogs out there. That is an exaggeration, but unfortunately, not that big of one.

Today's category then, we'll be naming all independent sports blogs. What's independent mean? No affiliation with a newspaper or mainstream media website. Use your judgment. We'll start and you guys continue in the comments. You can go again after every five comments. One -- one! -- answer per comment, assbags. There are tons of these, so let's set a new commenting record! Also, link to the site that you mention. First person to blow it has to shotgun a 40.

We'll start with a favorite: The Hater Nation (NFL Adam told us if we said that, he'd buy our lunch when we visit him later this month).

All right, blog buddies. Start dishin' out those URLs like Steve Nash assists.

*That's a picture of "Mean Girls" co-star Lacey Chabert. When we did an image search for "sports blogs," she was the third item that popped up. Weird. Anyway, here are some more pants-stirring, yet safe-for-work, pics of her.


rstiles said...

The Money Shot

The Inevitable Muck-up said...

Some People's Kids

Anonymous said...

How about for all your psychotic GMen updates.

Unknown said...


Dave said...

Carolina On Ice

Anonymous said...

Boy, this thing's really rolling, eh?

GMoney said...

Thanks Stiles!!!

Stiles Points

rstiles said...

How about all of our favorite blog

The Big Picture

Anonymous said...

uhhh. I just heard of this new one, it's struggling right now but might make it big, I don't know if you've heard of it... Deadspin

Anonymous said... the most in depth and amazing Michigan blog out there

Cecilio's Scribe said...

shameless plug. But I've SO got my other answers soon as five other comments are up, of course.

The Legend of Cecilio Guante.

wjackalope said...

Kissing Suzy Kolber

Anonymous said...

Along with this one, one of the few I check daily:

Awful Announcing

Hugging Harold Reynolds said...

In our unbiased opinion, Hugging Harold Reynolds is the best mediocre attempt at a relevant sports blog out there.

Joe Bait's Kid said...

The Love of Sports

Chris said...

the hot route is the best blog ever.


Read it!

Do it!

Anonymous said...

flyers fieldhouse

GMoney said...

Who doesn't love "Hey Larry Hughes Please Stop Taking So Many Bad Shots"?

The Big Picture said...

The Beautiful Game

Anonymous said...

damn gmoney, you took mine.

i drink

rstiles said...

Complete Sports

Unknown said...


Dr. Dawg said...

Seattle Sports.

Anonymous said...

with leather

Anonymous said...

The M Zone

Anonymous said...

TSD Magazine

Anonymous said...

Everyday Should Be Saturday.

Neil Joshi said...

The Sports Lounge is almost as good as sex. Check it out....

Anonymous said...

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Nice Blog. Keep posting more


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