China's All Star NBA centre Yao Ming will wed his teenage sweetheart Ye Li from Shanghai in August, after an eight-year courtship, state press reported Monday.Pure love. So that's what they call it now. Ask Yao why they're getting married and he'd say, "性是粪," which is Chinese for, "the sex is the shit.""This is a match based on pure love," the paper said.
The bed-play better be good cuz this gal ain't exactly gonna turn heads. Um, do they make kegs of Long Islands? They better fucking start...
But her personality must be a 10. That, or she can do some wild shit with her tongue.
This reminds me of a shtick they had on the TV show Arrested Development (one of the funniest shows ever)... one kid was dating a plain-looking girl, so any conversation he had about her with anyone else basically went like this:
"I love her. She's really funny."
"I'd hope so."
Either that, or the conversation went like this:
"I'm in love with Ann."
20 dolla - sucky sucky...yes...sucky sucky
She's at least 6 feet tall!!! The Chinese are going to take over the world.
judging by the fact that Yao is 7'5" or whatever, and she come up to his shoulder, she has got to be like 6'7"!!
she's probably the only Chinese babe that can take the Yao Ding
she is 6'3" and plays for the chinese national basketball team (or at least she used to).
Since when has getting married cut into an NBA player's action?
This girl is for making giant Yao babies.
She's not that bad looking anyway and probably won't baloon up after having kids. More picture of her here:
Here's a link that works-
She really isn't that bad looking. The pic on the site is horrible, but the ones on the above links are pretty good.
What, is she funny or something?
oh yeah, i'd throw it in her gash
You're new to this whole sports blogosphere, aren't you?
anon 12:03, Yao is not that hot, huh???
Thanks, that was a well-thought out post.
Twins, Arrested Development is a hilarious show. I liked Michael's line: "It's as Ann as the nose on plain's face!" Or something to that effect.
As for Yao, she does seem to be very tall. Maybe that was high on his priority list. Perhaps he is working to replenish the Chinese national basketball team and he wants the best gene pool available.
The level of racism in these comments is nauseating. Perhaps other cultures have different, but equally valid ideas of what "beautiful" means? And that they'd rather have a loving wife than a psychotic bulimia victim?
Wasn't Yao supposed to be dating Nia Long or something?
You guys just don't understand China... That's Yao's official wife... she is not the only hen on the Yao farm :)
What's wierd about the link that someone posted with multiple pictures of her is that she looks very different with varied degree quality of her look.
Who needs looks when u got $$$$. NBA players or pro athletes for that matter make millions of dollars, that alone will get you a groupies. Even the benchriders can pull a groupie or 2.
I can't tell which one is her in the links above. Are they all pictures of her, or different members of her team. Now I know why the Chinese student association comes to the door I bounce.
no offense but they will make the tallest player in the entire world!!!
(on a sign 6'9" off the ground in China)
You must be at least this tall to ride the Yao.
Yao could have gotten a psycho cracker skank like Britney Spears {+( You know, Ye Le would never marry any of you losers hehehe.
With a name like that, youll probably be relieved to hear that its not as complicated as it sounds. Ask specific questions. Women's Health - includes Lesbian Health & Research and many others. 2.
I concur with you but it is his taste of women and you don't know if she is a specialist in bed.
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