Vote here. Vote for us. Vote often.
Since the picture we submitted sucked dick, we don't like our chances against the No. 1. If you're on the edge about your vote, here's a better pic reader JMC passed along. (Feel free to poke fun in the comments.)
Go vote. We wanna fucking win this thing!
You got my vote! (although I still feel kinda weird voting in these things)
i've accused a lot of people of this, but never you...
You are going to stunn a #1 seed babeeee!!!
hahah you got my vote
upset city?!!? let's do it!!
Not bad, you're winning by 11 votes to start. Also,where was that pic taken?
american river in coloma, pop. 175.
actually zach the population is now 485. what a tragic day it was when we discovered that sign.
and to be fair, we were actually in Lotus, CA.
Hey, that's right...if not you, it would have been me! Oh, and congrats, BTW!
Come on, we need to stuff that ballot box! Although stuffing box would be a first for most of you.
yeah, c'mon people. i'm getting worked like a young boy at a nike plant in taiwan.
Solidarity, Zach -- Dan Shanoff is kicking my ass six ways to Sunday.
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