NCAA coach: what r u doin tonite
Recruit: ballin
NCAA coach: u should come to campus party
Recruit: girls?
NCAA coach: lots
Recruit: time?
NCAA coach: 930
Recruit: kewl
NCAA coach: u want play 4 us
Recruit: fo sho
NCAA coach: kewl
In the age of cell phones, text messages and oral herpes, the NCAA bigwigs can never be too sure of recruiting violations. So rather than let these immoral coaches get away with the crime of texting recruits, the NCAA is considering putting restrictions on texting.
Big deal? For you, probably not. Really Good Football Player A is still not going to play for Temple, and Duke will still be able to snag Awesome B-Ball Dude away from NC State.
It might make the lives of college coaches a little bit tougher. They'll, ya know, actually have to talk to a recruit in person. And that usually means talking to the parents too.
And we all know Coach K would rather be one-nutted than have to talk to a player's mother. Those moms can be so difficult sometimes.
i want 2 come 2 party too
will this have any affect on Houston Nutt's texting abilities. I hear he can't be stopped
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