There are so many different categories of uniforms: classics, throwbacks, modern and downright hideous (Oregon Ducks, we're looking at you).
It's so subjective; do you like the traditional Yankees pinstripes, the more modern looking Seahawks unis or the simple Carolina Blue?
-Cincinnati Reds white jerseys with pinstripes
-Texas Longhorn football all whites
-Ravens all blacks
Oh boy. There are so many good ones! Yours please in the comments.
Here are my thoughts
College Football
1. Michigan Wolverines - the blue jerseys and maize pants are class
2. USC Trojans - their home jerseys are sweet...
1. N.Y. Yankees - classic
2. Detroit - home uniform is great with the old English D
1. Cleveland Browns - simple and a throwback look with nothing on the helmet
2. N.Y. Giants - their home uniforms are great since they went back to the old-school look
1. Boston - their home uniforms are one of a kind
2. Cavaliers - their old original wine and gold uniforms were the best
Why is is that 45 year old beer drinking, pot bellied men, think they are the target audience, when Nike is designing uniforms? Lose the egocentricity, and realize that the 18-22 year olds love the Oregon Uniforms!
The Chargers baby-blue's that Chris Berman loves.
The old Nuggets uni's that looked like they were made by the Rainbow Coalition, always liked those.
Hey Anonymous
I'm 39-years-old...get it right next time!!
College Football: Agree with Michigan's blue jerseys and maize pants
1. Detroit Red Wings- away
2. New York Rangers- away
3. Chicago Blackhawks away
1. Chargers powder blues
2. Raiders
1. Lakers home jerseys
2. Celtics home
Football - gotta be the Raiders, although I love the Niners throwbacks too. As for college, I've always liked the UCLA home unis, especially when the numbers looked like this (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.uwfp.net/gpan/A_19811107_0404_UCLA.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.uwfp.net/ucla.htm&h=368&w=303&sz=35&hl=en&start=22&sig2=VfATrbHbSTpM5gqZkarVgg&um=1&tbnid=VvfrVXApofZtfM:&tbnh=122&tbnw=100&ei=DKExSI34FKP0pgSRhJXIAQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ducla%2Bfootball%2B2002%26start%3D20%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN)
Baseball - love the classic home designs like Boston, Detroit, St Louis, even SF. I do like vests if done right, Cinci has decent ones. Striped stirrups are the best! Here's what I love, the A's 1968 throwbacks (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v247/brinkeguthrie/Untitled1-2.jpg)
NBA- meh. Nothing really special but I agree that Boston's home Unis are good. I can't get too worked up about anything for some reason.
Hockey - whatever. I think most of the White designs are better than the darks. Why do they wear dark at home? lame. I think they should switch. Most of the original 6 have the best designs.
oh and I loved the Chargers throwback powder blues:
But I think the new design kinda ruined it:
Still better than their Navy blues. But I think the new design ruined those too.
cfb - penn state
nfl - jets
I agree with JMC that the new design of the Chargers powder blue throwback uniforms are not as nice...
Why did they have to change something that looked so good?...bring back the powder blue jerseys from a few years back and the helmets with the numbers on it
MLB - Bosox
NHL - Broons, with old 'B' logo
NFL - Steelers black jersey, Browns brown jersey, or Bills old ones with the idle Bison on the helmet
CFB - Grambling or Alabama
NBA - who cares
MLB - Mets or T.B.
NHL - Florida
NFL - Dallas, Seattle, New Jersey Jets
CFB - Syracuse, maybe Tennessee
NBA - who cares
cubs and vikings
Worst. Has to be the Eagles Light Blue and Yellow throwbacks from this past season. Terrible. Horrible.
Best. Does anyone remember the Hartford Whalers home jerseys? Bright kelly green with the best designed logo ever. They had an 'H' a 'W' and a tail all in one!
2nd best. White Sox Throwback? The one from the 80's with the weird batter logo and the big "SOX" plastered on the front.
Also, University of Colorado Buffs Black on Black uniforms are nice, but I am biased towards the buffs.
NY Nets
The Celtics win by default because the rest of the teams keep flipping their jerseys.
all such beatiful choices but here are some ones i loved at the time...Michigoon when hey had the Fab 5 with the long shorts and the high black socks such a smooth look, Cincinnati when they had van exel up till kenyon martin's broken leg - those black unis are very badass, always like the Georgetown grey unis, but fav of all time that all blue Kansas uni Mario Chalmers was wearing the night he hit the shot heard round the world....
Notre Dame has the best College Football Uni.
Syracuse definitely has the worst!
Paraphrase please
You have quickly thought up such matchless phrase?
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