If you could live in any major U.S. city, what would it be?
Some things to consider:
-Who are the home teams?
-Good sports fans?
-Scenic place to live? Like, are there trees?
-General attractiveness of people
-Cost of living
-Proximity to other cool places
-Did we mention home teams? Yeah, that shit better be a high priority.
Try to put previous biases aside. The more objective we look at this, the better the discussion will be.
We're guessing nobody's gonna say Des Moines. But, yeah, feel free to...
All right. The comments section is your blunt: light that shit up!
1. boston
2. frisco
3. miami
4. chicago
Barrow, Alaska. Then I could root for the Long Beach Armada of Los Angeles of California of the United States of North America Including Barrow, Alaska.
They've even got big-time high-school football:
Nothing beats the Arctic.
New York City...the fans are tough, hard-assed, and know their sports....
The worst sports city is Cleveland...their fans are whines, crybabies, and whenever one of their teams is successful they are fucking obnoxious to the point where they get in your face...I always say that if the Indians or Browns ever won the championship, they will burn the city....not too much with the Cavs though...
Look at the city's history - 25 cent beer night where the Indians fans charged the field, throwing bottles at the refs and Jacksonville players, etc. -- this is stuff people think happens in NYC...nope - it happens in the most poverty ridden city in the country - Cleveland...
Hey, take it easy on Cleveland. It is a wonderful sports city with passionate fans, terrible weather, and a good social scene.
Give me Whale's Vagina, CA.
yeah I agree about San Diego. So they only have two teams, I can live with that since I don't really give 2 shits about basketball and hockey anyway.
But of course I'm gonna have to say the Bay Area. 2 baseball teams, two football teams, one bball and one hockey. Not too shabby. And the people (present company exluded) aren't total dogs.
I'm already here, Seattle is an incredible city.
San Fran/Oakland is also a good place to live. spent 7 years over there and they are sports crazy.
New York has the total package (if you ignore the obnoxious Yankee fans). I have no idea why every 20something single man in the world doesn't live here.
And take it easy on Cleveland. First of all, it was 10 cent beer night, and that was like 30 years ago. Second, yes, Browns fans threw garbage on the field like 3 years ago, but we have the right to be pissed, that team has been a joke (but not this year!.) And didn't the Cubs fans at Wrigley litter the outfield with beer cups like last week? Yet everyone romanticizes the Cubs and Wrigley Field.
And yes, if the Browns and/or Indians ever win a championship, the city will burn. And I will be there with the first match.
Woooooo....burn baby burn....LOL
Anonymous wrote that Miami as a best city???....okay, Miami has the nice weather, but there are also hurricanes and torrential downpours....
And the Miami fans are pathetic too....the Dolphins regularly play in front of empty seats...the Marlins can't get support for a new baseball stadium even though they won 2 World Series titles in the last decade...and they don't even support The U in football....unless they are playing a big named opponent, the Orange Bowl is always half empty...
Miami Sucks!!
fuck new york. their fans, especially baseball fans, and historically wildly fair weathered (check out how popular the mets suddenly are). the knicks suck, so does eli manning and the jets too. if i had to pick 4 cities i'd pick:
1. Boston - the fans are passionate about their dominant teams (except basketball and for hockey we have BC and BU). The city is very good looking, active, exciting and it's close to alot of different things (Beach - Cape Cod, Nantucket Skiing/Mountains - Vermont, NH, Maine Lakes - NH, Maine New York).
2. Bay Area - the place is freakin gorgeous and with that many teams, there will always be some good ones. The fans are good, from what I can tell and you are really in a prime location (Tahoe, Yosemite, Napa Valley)
3. Seattle - again, gorgeous city, good teams, good fans, close proximity to skiing, hiking, fishing, hunting, vancouver
4. Los Angeles - the teams are good, the city is gorgeous, so ok people dont give a shit about anything but the lakers and even though theres everything in the city theres nothing outside of it except disneyland, but this city has the most dominant college athletic program in the country (UCLA) who will dominate the Pac-10 and the national scene in basketball for years and years to come. (Thank you coach Howland)
I'm going Denver. Biased because I lived there, but here's why:
1. All four sports teams, and the only one that sucks on a regular basis is the baseball team.
2. Die-hard fans, mostly for the Broncos more than the other three, but when sports frequently leads local news (and it did at times when I lived there), it's a big sports city.
3. Rocky Mountains, dude.
4. Not as expensive as other major cities.
1. San Diego...spend a Saturday afternoon in July along the boardwalk between Pacific Beach and Mission Beach getting some sun and taking in the incredible 18-25 tanned, fit scenery. Then, catch an evening game at Petco Park amongst enthusiastic (tho not rabid) fans. After the game, walk straight from the park to the bars in Gaslamp and throw a few back. It really doesn't get any better than that.
Damn, I really gotta find a way to move back there.
St. Louis has the only 3 sports teams that matter and its in the middle of the country and the action.
anon 9:49, you do realize the umpteen number of storms Boston gets per year do ya? Seattleites love to complain about the weather, but we don't get nearly as heavy a rain season as Boston. Just pretend the windstorm never happened, and you'll realize how beautiful Seattle is in Sun and Snow.
st. louis is actually probably a great city.
good sports franchises
great fans
cost of living is probably relatively low
the atractiveness of people and city, well...
respectfully disagree with those who said San Diego.
great weather, decent teams i guess, but terrible fucking fans, cost of living is high...guess that's really it. OK, i could move to SD!
Denver does sound pretty tasty to me, but how come no one has mentioned New Orleans? You could probably find a pretty nice place and be a part of bolstering the fragile economy. The Hornets may be pretty lackluster but I'd love to go see the Saints and some LSU/Tulane games. The West Coast can be a little too laid back, no offense guys.
Then again I have no credibility being a diehard Philly sports fan with Buffalo as my second city (went to school near there).
Don't worry, Donny. Those of us on the west coast never take offense at being called laid back.
I'm surprised Bay Area has been getting votes, considering it introduces the possibility of rooting for Barry Bonds and the Raiders. A's games are fun and taking BART to the stadium is nice, but McAfee is a dump. Maybe they'll have nicer digs in Fremont. The Niners have their own stadium issues too, so who knows where they'll be playing in the near future. SBC/ATT/PacBell is beautiful, but I don't know if it's worth buying a #25 jersey for.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Dallas. Cowboys fans are diehards and are about to receive what is supposed to be the best football stadium in the country; Mavs and Stars are perennial playoff teams; cost of living is very reasonable; nearby Austin has a nice, young bar scene; and Dallas has great strip clubs. Weather isn't that great, but no worse than Boston or NY.
1. Chicago - two MLB teams (one with the coolest stadium in the world), football, basketball, hockey; great fans, fun bars
2. Boston - die-hard pizza-throwing crazies, and I love them for it
3. San Diego - not really fanatical, but wide variety of great sports and perfect sports-watching weather
4. Philadelphia - for pure unadulterated, wallowing misery
detroit has good fans, good teams (UM, Tigers, Wings, Pistons) and flint is nearby.
Austin, Texas baby!!
Chicago, by far!! You cannot get any better. Wrigley Field - arguably the most superlative baseball arena of all time - plus Soldier Field, the United Center... and then you have the best food in the US (according to Travel and Leisure's 2007 magazine, which ranked Chicago #1), and the friendliest people north of the mason dixon line... Try visiting NY. Those assholes are terrible.
A little off topic, Guys... I have a question. Last weekend I found this site:
[url=http://www.rivalspot.com]Rivalspot.com - Wii tournaments for money[/url]
They say you can play online Madden game tournaments on any console for cash... had anyone tried that before? Looks like a cool idea...
Are there any other sites where you can play sports games for real moneys? I Googled and found only Bringit.com and Worldgaming.com but it looks these guys don't specialize in sport gamez. Any suggestions?
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