Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Square up the shoulders, drive through the ball carrier...

And a fantastic tackle! Helmet sticker for that one.

While these uniforms look nothing alike, we imagine this will be the example cited the next time both teams want to wear dark jerseys.

Note the reaction at the 32-second mark. Fantastic stuff. Truly fantastic!

[Deadspin via Hot Clicks]


  1. how could this happen - color vs color or not? Your team is on a punt return. It's not like there was a turnover or something that might confuse someone. Your job is to block. Maybe I could see it if it looked like he went to block the guy and it knocked him over, but he went for the full on wrap up tackle.

  2. He could not recall what was going on in the field of play after about....what? 12 seconds of a punt return?

    "Ladadadadada....oh, hey, that guy has the ball. Better tackle him."

  3. It IS Vegas. The fix could have been in. I hope that was it because I could never figure out WTF was going through his weed-cooked, ritalin-addled brain.
